Are you ready to become a pilot?

Start Training at Pitcairn Flight Academy

Why Fly at Pitcairn Flight Academy?

Your success means the world to us. Learning to fly is a life changing journey, and we're committed to giving you the knowledge, expertise, and guidance to help you start flying. Whether you're looking to fly for fun or you're career in the pilot's seat, count on us for top notch training that paves your way to success.

Programs to Fit Your Schedule

Pursuing your flying goals doesn't require giving up your other responsibilities. We provide training programs tailored to work with your schedule. Whether you looking for a fast paced full time training plan or a more adaptable part time choice where you only fly a few times a week, we've got the ideal solution to align with your requirements.

Start Your Career

All of the pilots that fly for the airlines or do corporate charter were in your shoes at one point in time. They all had to start somewhere and they started training at a local flight school. This is your chance to be a part of the action. If you're looking to start a career in aviation or even if you want to pursue aviation as a hobby, fill out the form on this page and let's get in touch.

What are your aviation goals?
Do you have any previous training?
Anything else you'd like us to know?
Would you like to visit Pitcairn Flight Academy?
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